When many of us were younger, we would spend every Saturday morning sitting in front of the television watching our favourite shows. It is difficult to calculate exactly how much time was spent watching those shows, but we can only imagine that it was an extremely large number. Of course, for many of us, SM:TV Live was a regular part of our Saturday morning routine. We rarely ever missed it, and we loved how we could interact with it from far away.
One of the features of the show that many of us appreciated was the fact that they gave away a lot of cool prizes and gifts. All you had to do was call in for one of the competitions, but if you did so, you needed to be prepared for a bit of a tongue lashing. Awesome prizes were often given, but many of us ended up frustrated, either because we couldn’t get through or because if we did get through, we found ourselves in a sticky situation.
There were a number of competitions on the show, but one of the most popular was Wonky Donkey. It was a simple competition, but there was a challenge to it, you had to rhyme! This often led to some frustration on the part of Dec, as you will see below.