Students Surprise Their Ill Music Teacher Who Collapses in Tears

Sometimes companies make ads that simply knock it out the park. And to be fair, some products are user to do this with than others. And when it comes to tissues, well that has to be the easiest product ever to advertise, all you need to is make people cry with pleasure. Kleenex absolutely smashed this advert, which is probably the best advert I have ever watched and will certainly live with me for a very long time.

They heard that a school music teacher was suffering some health issues, and so contacted a lot of her ex-students for a reunion with a twist. The start guest didn’t know anything about it. As she attends the school for what she thinks is going to a teacher interview, when round the corner comes one of her ex-students singing amazing grace.

She recognises him instantly and her face just lights up, but then he is joined by more, and more and then even more of her ex-students. This was one popular teacher and it serves to remind us that teachers really can change lives.