It is not unusual for a young teenager to enjoy music. The vast majority of them, however, are going to follow the crowd and they will love the popular songs of the day. Some tend to step out of the lines every once in a while, perhaps listening to some classic rock or other types of music, but the majority of them are going to like the music that is playing on the radio now. Of course, not every teenager is going to feel the same way. In fact, there are times when a child will actually perform a type of music that is quite unusual for their age.
The 13-year-old boy in this video has more talent now than many people will have us an adult. When you hear him singing, you will recognize that his voice actually has the ability to move you, and he has put his talents into a mega hit Broadway classic, ‘Les Misérables’. Most people have at least heard of this Broadway show, which is set in the French Revolution.
The young boy plays a rather unusual role, because it is typically meant for an older man. That doesn’t stop him from stepping into the role, however, and once you hear his amazing voice, you are sure to see that he was the perfect choice.