Anna Kendrick Challenges James Corden to a Riff-Off – Pitch Perfect Style

James Corden is one of the leaders in late-night television, and some of his skits are not only funny, they are absolutely unforgettable. Although he may do many different things on the show, he often incorporates music in some way or another and the fans absolutely love it. As a matter of fact, his carpool karaoke is one of the most popular late-night skits of all time, and you wouldn’t believe the stars that show up for it!

Recently, Anna Kendrick was on the show, and she had a rather unusual request for him. Miss Kendrick is the star of Perfect Pitch 2, and she had a challenge for him that was right in line with that movie. It was a riff-off, were each of them would sing acappella music along with the Filharmonics. Needless to say, it was awesome!

It is always great to watch talented individuals performing what they do best. Although James Corden may be a chat show host, his singing voice is certainly worthy of much more than late-night television. I’m sure that you will agree.