When it is your job to drive a Lorry, you are going to see some rather unusual things on the road. One of the unfortunate things that you see from time to time is a large accident, but it really doesn’t take a Lorry driver by surprise. After all, they see distracted drivers on their mobile phone, text messaging or using Facebook and it is only a matter of time before something like this happens.
This veteran Lorry driver admits that he does not typically make videos of himself, but he felt very passionate about what he saw in front of him. It was a three vehicle accident, including a large Lorry that ended up on its side in the field. He then spoke about distracted driving, text messaging on the road and how important it was to pay attention to what you were doing.
Fortunately, nobody was killed in this accident, although it certainly could have been fatal looking at the damage that was done. At any rate, it is important to recognise the need to pay attention because you may just save a life.
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