TV Show Treats A Homeless Woman With Dignity And Respect

Valentine’s Day should be the day that everyone in the world is made to feel special, but perhaps more importantly, every lady on the planet. It is the day when the men should take the strain and demonstrate to the ladies in their lives, just how important and how much they mean to them.

But not every woman is that lucky and for some ladies that are homeless, it is just another day. In one of the most inspirational and touching videos I have ever watched, a TV show does perhaps the best and most deserved makeover ever. They find a homeless woman on Valentine’s Day and they treat her extra special. They find out for instance that this poor woman hasn’t had a bath in over two years.

But with some care and attention, a new set of underwear and some new shoes, a makeover and some great food in her belly, you can see the confidence and the pride flowing back into this lady who had seemingly given up hope on her future. It just goes to show that a little kindness and effort can make such a huge difference to someone else’s life. So whilst Valentine’s Day may be gone for another year, how about taking the time and effort to make someone else feel special today? Believe me, the feeling you will get making someone else happy will far outweigh the financial or emotional investment. Watch this wonderful video and share it with your friends.