I think that all of us would agree it is difficult to make ends meet at times. Many of us struggle just to make it from one day to the next, but some people have it more difficult than others.
In Shelley, Idaho, there is a single father named Nick and he is an inspiration to many. He has gone through his difficulties in life, including drug addiction, but he has come out on the positive side and is now raising a newborn baby.
In order to make ends meet and raise the child, he delivers pizzas for Domino’s in the evening. He is very dedicated to what he does, and people took notice of it.
The East Idaho News has a Secret Santa program they run every year and it brings gifts and hope to many people in the community. Anonymous donors provide the gifts and their generosity is extended to those who are facing hardships.
Nick’s story is one that touched many hearts, and it was felt that he should be the recipient. He didn’t know what was coming, but they showed up one day and gave him a surprise that would truly change his world.
The cameras were rolling when he realized that he was the recipient of the generosity and his emotions were easy to see. He was surprised at what was taking place but he was also very grateful for the kindness of others.
The first gift he received was a $1000 gift card to Best Buy. He was going to use it to support his educational goals and buy a laptop.
In the second package, another $1000 was given to provide baby supplies, including diapers.
When he opened the final gift, however, he received an amazing surprise. It was almost $7000, enough to cover his rent for the entire year.
He was kind in what he said. He said that there were so many people that needed it more than he did, but it was a surprise for him, as he was struggling as a single father.
You can see the moment that he gets this surprise in the following video: