Elderly Couple Being Interviewed After 65 Years Of Marriage Shock The Interviewer

To be a married couple for 65 years is really quite the achievement. But the couple featured in the next video have managed to hit that wonderful landmark, and boy do hey both look good for doing it.

They have a lot of love for each other and it is really very obvious. The man has gotten a little hard of hearing so his wife makes sure to repeat every question directly into his ear so he can understand the conversation. Near the end of the video when the interviewer asks them if they can end the interview on a kiss she tenderly and without even thinking about it takes his head in both her hands. This type of non-verbal communication demonstrates the lovely bond that these two possess even after all these years. Like salt and pepper they just belong together.

When they get asked about the secrets of their long and happy marriage the man makes some funny and quite surprising comments, at least, the interviewer was a little taken aback by the answers given. Watch this lovely couple in the video below and let’s hope that we can all aspire to such greatness. It really is something ever so special.