If there is one thing that all of us appreciate, it’s somebody who knows how to make us laugh. Some of those individuals may be standup comedians or perhaps they’re just good friends of ours that know how to tell a joke. There is no shortage of funny films, funny music and funny people out there but sometimes, there is somebody that stands head and shoulders above the rest.
That is the case with Steve Martin, a man who was first noticed in the 1960s thanks to his part as a writer for the Smothers Brothers comedy hour. He then became a guest star on some late-night chat shows and eventually, broke into the films. He even wrote some funny music. Perhaps one of his funniest roles, however, is a film that many people have forgotten about, The Jerk.
Although this film is from a number of decades ago, it is still something that you can laugh at over and over again. Watching a young Steve Martin talk about a man who hates cans when in fact, he is trying to shoot him from a hill, is funnier than you might think.