Happy Birthday Carol Burnett You Kept Us Laughing For Years

For those of us lucky enough to grow up in the 60′ and 70’s life on a Saturday night simply meant tuning into ” The Carol Burnett Show”. It is hard to believe that this week marks her 83rd birthday, and so we felt it only fitting, that we featured one of her iconic sketches as part of the celebrations. When you consider what a pioneering lady she was, women in those days rarely if ever had their own comedy shows. The men in charge of television comedy simply didn’t feel that a woman could command a sufficiently big audience.

But Carol bucked the trend and went on to have a live Saturday night show for eleven years, so she was certainly doing something right. Her show became very popular with many other comedians keen to appear and increase their popularity. Whilst she was happy to encourage this Burnett didn’t require other people to be funny, she possessed that skill in abundance.

That was one of the reasons we chose this sketch as our birthday tribute, as she virtually completed this entire sketch on her own. Happy Birthday, Carol, you kept an entire generation entertained, and blazed a trail for women in the comedy field.