One of the best-selling albums in history is Let’s Talk about Love, a Celine Dion favorite that was released in 1997. When you put aside the fact that it included the song from Titanic, “My Heart Will Go on,” it also has many other fantastic songs and those of us who have the album have listened to it over and over again. Like many albums, however, it has some hidden gems that you might want to revisit.
For example, she sings a duet with Barbra Streisand, arguably one of the more famous female singers of all time. Another song that is featured is Treat Her like a Lady, which features Diana King. And who of us could forget the Bee Gees, and Immortality.
At a concert benefiting children of Liberia in 1998, Celine Dion stepped up on stage but she wasn’t alone. She was with Pavarotti, and it was a simply incredible musical moment that all of us who saw it will never forget. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you saw it in 1998 or not, it is still just as powerful to see the video today and it is presented below for you.