Traditional Austrian Folk Dancers with Wonderful Choreography

Dancing can take on many different forms, from more traditional types of dances to those that are not as frequently seen. For example, many of us have become familiar with dances such as the tango, the quickstep and the cha-cha-cha because of watching Dancing with the Stars. There are also many other types of dance that we may not be familiar with, but they are equally as wonderful.

This type of dance originated in Austria and it is a rhythmic custom in that area. This group of men from the Pramtal region of Austria are certain to amaze you as you watch them with this dance. As they do the dance in their lederhosen and dirndls on stage, you can’t help but wonder at their abilities and chuckle at what they are doing.

Not only is it amazing that they are able to dance this classic Austrian dance, it is the choreography that really makes a difference. Don’t be surprised if you have to watch this one several times, as it certainly is a lot of fun to see.