When you are at a dance competition, you are sure to see some beautiful, young people taking to the dance floor. They seem to be so full of life and energy that it just makes you want to be like them. That is how many people felt when Mathilda Klein was dancing, but they may have been wondering what they were seeing when she first started.
Mathilda is 94-years-old and she went out onto the dance floor hunched over a walker, looking very much her age. By her side was Danny Maloney, her much younger dance partner. When they finally made it to the other side of the dance floor, he took away her walker and it was then you knew it was a prop. What she does next is amazing.
He removed her coat to show she was wearing a beautiful white dress. The two of them took off across the dance floor doing a quick step that would have made the judges on Dancing with the Stars proud! We love watching when older people have fun and are full of life and it seems as if this lady has it all.