Leonard Cohen Sings Hallelujah – Live From 2008

In recent history, there have been many singers and songwriters who have touched our lives but one who perhaps touch them in ways that most people don’t realise is Leonard Cohen. He has been writing songs for many years, but it was his legendary “Hallelujah” that most of us recognise. Although it wasn’t popular when he released it, it has been redone many times and its popularity just continues to grow.

Unfortunately, Cohen passed away at the age of 82 and, like many of the other artists who lost their lives in 2016, the world is mourning his passing. He had just released a new album, “You Want it Darker” that had him playing along with other musical geniuses, such as Bob Dylan and Paul Simon. He continued to be an inspiration up until his passing.

Although he has written songs for many years, it wasn’t until he was in his 70s that he had an album reach the top 10. Aside from that, many people had always had a respect for his work because of everything that he put into his music, especially in the lyrics, which always had a deeper meaning. RIP Leonard Cohen.