When you are stressed out from the world around you, there is nothing quite like a nice holiday to bring you back again. It is something that people around the world enjoy, but the British seem to enjoy it in their own unique style. We may not see the humor in holidays but after listening to Michael Mcintyre talk about them for a while, you will never view a holiday the same again.
I know what you might be thinking, what can possibly be so funny about a Brit taking a vaca? Actually, you should be asking, what ISN’T funny about it? From the time they arrive, they don’t stop doing amusing things, and it seems that the locals are able to recognize it quite easily.
Like people in many parts of the world, UK residents tend to take their main vacation in July and August. The most popular places where they take the holiday are the southern coastal regions, such as Cornwall, Devon Somerset and Dorset. It seems as if there much be some truth behind what he is saying, so we can all have a laugh the next time we are at the beach.