At the risk of offending a lot of people, and I consider myself within this demographic, pet owners are definitely a little bit mad. We talk constantly to our pets, and we do a lot of insane things with them, for both their and our enjoyment. In this next story, we have a bird lover who is throwing a fifth birthday party for her Blue Indian Ringnet Parrot. This is obviously one seriously loved and spoiled animal, who is as much a family member as anyone else.
They have invited the local bird population around, I kid you not, and have special birthday cakes and all of the other usual party treats arranged. Then it comes time for the presents. Apparently this pampered parrot came to his forever home around Easter time, and at the same time as he arrived, there was a stuffed rabbit as a gift, with which he fell in love. Ever since then he has been crazy about stuffed toys, so it won’t take much effort to work out what he is going to receive as his birthday presents.
But what makes this video special is his reaction to these presents. He leans forward and gives then a kiss and tells them I love you. This is one clever little parrot. Watch the video below and prepare for your heart to melt.