Deformed Baby Bird Rejected by Parents

When we think about someone being born with a deformity, we usually think about giving them extra attention in life. In many areas of nature, however, deformity is not looked at in such a way. That is a case with this bird, who was the runt, born with splayed legs and severely undersized. Because of his deformity, he was completely ignored by his parents. This often happens out of instinct, it’s not the parents being cruel, it’s just the way they react.

This little bird, named Benjamin, would surely have died if it not been for the love and devotion showed him by his siblings. What is amazing is that, even though the parents rejected Benjamin, his brothers and sisters fed him and kept him alive. It was another case of instinct that allowed him to make it to the next part of life’s journey.

You can watch the entire story in this video from the beginning to the end. You will not believe the tenderness that was shown to him by his brothers and sisters, and it will have you believing in the kindness that exists in the world around us, even in little things.