The school janitors are some of the most hard-working people on school grounds, but they are also the ones that tend to get disrespected the most. In fact, there are many people who are not only disrespectful to janitors, they are downright rude! Those individuals tend to run together in packs and they feed off of each others bad behavior.
One janitor, named Elogio, had enough of having a clean lipstick marks off of the mirrors in the bathroom at the middle school where he worked. It took an unnecessary amount of time and he did it every day, but they would still be back the next day. When the principal made an announcement asking the girls to stop, it just got worse.
That is when Elogio came up with a plan, and he was about to give those girls a little bit of karma. They were asked by the principal to come into the bathroom and then he showed them what he did every day to clean the lipstick stains from the mirror. Of course, he got a little creative and the looks on their faces was priceless.