There are many toys that we may have played with during our life but one that is a favourite of most people are Legos. Those little blocks can certainly spark the imagination and, although they do tend to hurt when we step on them, they can be a part of hours of fun when we are young and sometimes, even when we are old.
If you have ever thought about creating an awesome Legos self-portrait, it may not be as difficult as you first considered. Thanks to a new machine that is now available at the London store, you can make such a portrait out of the blocks that it provides for you. It begins by scanning your face and then it will put the blocks together that will allow you to build your own face out of Legos!
Most people who buy Lego sets are familiar with the fact that they are not inexpensive. This particular set is going to cost you approximately $125 but as any Lego fan will tell you, it is so worth it!
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