Christmas Advert At Heathrow Airport Really Hits You In The Feels

Many of us enjoy traveling but it can be difficult to be away, especially when you are traveling during the holidays. Even if you are going to see family and good friends who live far away, getting there can be stressful. That is what makes this new advert so perfect, because it shows us that travel can be a little more ‘bearable’ when we have a friend along.

This is not only one of the most brilliant Christmas ads we have seen in quite some time, it is also marking a rather special date. Heathrow airport, which has taken us here and there many times in the past is turning 70 and they are celebrating the occasion by following the adventures of these two elderly teddy bears as they make their way around the airport.

This ad is not only brilliant, it is also quite popular as well. In only a few days after being posted online, it has racked up more than 5 million views on Facebook and over 1 million on Youtube. It seems people just can’t get enough of these two adorable bears and when you see them, you will know why.