Most people truly look forward to the summer months. If you are in school, you likely look forward to the long break but even if you are an adult and not in school, there are many reasons to love the summer. As the temperatures get warmer and the sun stays overhead longer it is the perfect time to get together with family and friends to enjoy the great outdoors. Another reason to enjoy the summer is because it’s time to swim!
It seems as if humans aren’t the only ones who appreciate the water when it is hot outside. As you are about to see, elephants also love the water, not only to take a swim but to get a cool drink as well. Of course, nobody was expecting these elephants to come get their drink out of a backyard pool, but that is exactly what they do.
A woman took this video in her backyard. She heard some commotion in the yard and went outside to see what was happening. Little did she know that the neighbors would be coming to grab a drink, and she quickly grabbed her video to show it to the world