Man With No Arms Performs Wild World Perfectly, This Will Amaze You

In life, everyone gets dealt a different deck, and it isn’t the deck you are dealt, it’s how to handle and play that deck that denotes how successful you will be in life. Everyone faces unique and difficult challenges but the challenges this man has overcome are quite extreme, especially with his choice of career.

The man in the video below plays a perfect rendition of the famous Cat Stevens song “Wild World”, but what makes this rendition even more amazing is that the musician doesn’t have any arms or legs, and is playing the guitar with his feet. The guitar is resting on a bathmat on the street, but if you closed your eyes you would have no idea.

I don’t know the cause of this man’s disability but the way he has overcome the challenges he faces is very impressive. Learning to play the guitar with your hands is quite challenging to begin with, but having to master it with your feet, must be an entirely different level of difficulty. The performance is so impressive, that he manages to gather an audience and it is really good to see someone give him some money and also supply him with a cup of coffee. Watch his stunning performance and prepare to be suitably inspired.