Deer Gets Stuck In Mud – You Won’t Believe How He Was Rescued

If you were to write down the most caring and compassionate professions I can’t imagine that builders or JCB operators would be close to the top of that list. But just because you are employed in a macho working environment doesn’t mean you are not allowed to show love and compassion for the local animal life.

In this touching and special video, a couple of deer have become caught in the most horrendous mud I think I have ever seen. I am unsure exactly of the location but I get the impression that it may be in a quarry or something similar and without the brave actions of the operator,I doubt very much the animals in question would have survived.

When you watch the video, pay particular attention to the tracks of the digger. They are virtually submerged in water, highlighting both the danger for the animals and the danger the man is placing himself in, to effect the rescue. In an effort more gentle and delicate that I would ever have thought possible from a JCB digger, he positions the scoop around the deer who is stuck in the mud. Obviously trying not to scare the deer he moves slowly but with surgeon-like precision, eventually managing to scoop the deer and some mud up. He then slowly brings the deer back to safety before gently depositing it back on the ground. The deer jumps out of the scoop and goes on its merry way, without so much as a thank you. Watch this amazing rescue’ and then please share it to show our appreciation, as obviously the deer didn’t bother.