We Had To Learn The Entire Preamble Of The Constitution At School I Remember Every Word…NOT

There is nothing quite so as embarrassing as being convinced you know something upside down and back to front only to fall at the first hurdle. That is basically the premise of this classic sketch from “The Andy Griffith Show” featuring Barney Fife. The clip begins with the two guys chatting and Barney boasting about how at school he had to learn the preamble to the constitution. Determined to prove this, he sits down and starts to recite the preamble.

Well, actually that might be very generous as he falls at the very first word. As many of us might recall from our childhood, he asks for a little help from Griffiths, who happily obliges. As things progress through the entirety of the preamble, it becomes blatantly obvious that Barney doesn’t remember a single word.

As he becomes more and more frustrated his once kempt and smart hair becomes frazzled, and the stress continues to grow. The double act here works brilliantly with Griffith leading him along perfectly and Barney still trying to keep up the pretense and save himself some serious embarrassment. When they finally make it to the very end Barney makes the famous comment “You learn something you learn it”. The sad thing is they just don’t make comedy like they used to.