Please Mum Can I Have Just Five More Minutes Of Sleep

Luckily for me I am definitely a morning person, I am always up and ready to tackle the day within five minutes of the alarm going off. But I think I may well be in the minority as most people I know are definitely not morning people. Don’t worry I am not one of those people that feels if I am awake so should everyone else be.

But it seems animals are also in the same two groups, morning or evening animals. Meet Ron who is a domesticated Red fox. When mum comes over to wake him up, initially he is delighted to meet and greet her. But then it’s almost as if he realises what time it is. Looking at how cold the weather looks, even though he is a fox I am surprised he is not frozen, surely they could have made him a little kennel.

But even though it is totally freezing he looks at her as if to say “Do you know what time it is here?”‎ Obviously, he doesn’t say those exact words. I love these little insights into people’s lives, sometimes I think we live more interesting things than the celebrates do. Watch the video and enjoy his performance.