Heartbreaking Peak Inside Celine Dion’s Life In Happier Times

Celine Dion is one of the world’s most famous and popular singers. But whilst fame and fortune can bring you many material things, and give you a wonderful superstar lifestyle, it can’t protect you from the harsh realities of life, as poor Celine discovered cruelly recently.

Over the course of a few days, she lost both her husband and her brother. This video taken in 2010 was an intimate portrait of her family life, behind the curtains. You can see the amazing lifestyle, that she and her husband shared, you get to meet their baby twins, and the love within the family is plain for all to see.

That’s what makes the recent events she has had to suffer, so much more painful. So have a look at the magnificent Celine Dion and then say a word of prayer for her to hopefully ease her suffering.