These Twin Babies Will Be The Funniest Thing You See All Day

There’s just something about watching a baby that puts a smile on our face. In fact, babies have the ability to make you smile from the heart and they can reach in and wrap themselves around your heart while they are at it. It is something that we need in our lives, because it makes us feel good about the world around us and it helps us to forget about any problems that we may be experiencing, even if only for a little while. Of course, one baby is amazingly cute but two babies are out of this world!

This montage of baby videos is going to be exactly what you need to make you feel good today. After all, every single one of them are twins, and it is adorable to see them interacting with each other. From the very beginning to the end, you will have a smile on your face and by the time it’s over, you might just have some sore cheeks.

Researchers have confirmed that smiling is not only something that makes you feel good, it is actually good for you. It may even be better than an apple a day for keeping the doctor away, so consider this your daily dose.