Sneaky Thief Steals Her Handbag And Drives Off, And She Doesn’t Even Know It!

Most of us like to think that we are aware of our surroundings at all times but we might be surprised with how much can take place right under our nose. At times, we may miss out on something interesting because we are not as observant as we should be but in other cases, it could cost us dearly. Not only can someone take advantage of it by stealing our stuff, we may even get injured or lose our life if we are not careful.

A good example of not paying attention and how it can cost you is shown in this video from a petrol station. A woman pulled up to the pump, got out of the car and walked around to pump some petrol. A car pulled up to the pump beside her, which is fairly standard so you wouldn’t really think anything of it but what he does is shocking.

A man gets out of the car, crouches down and goes over to open up her driver’s door. He steals her handbag, gets back in his own car and drives off. All of this takes place without her even knowing it! It’s a shame that we live in a world where we have to be so careful, but being careful is just what we need.