Man Gives A “Serious” BBC Interview And Gets Totally Video Bombed By His Kids

There is a certain phenomenon that has seemed to grow quite quickly and many of us find it funny. It is known as photo bombing, and, although it may been around for many years, it is becoming increasingly seen thanks to our electronic devices and carrying a camera with us everywhere we go. There is even something new today, video bombing, and it can be quite funny.

When we see somebody else doing a photo or video bomb, we can’t help but laugh at their efforts. We don’t laugh quite so much, however, when we are the target of that practical joke. That is what happened to this expert on South Korea when he was trying to give a very serious issue on BBC world news. He was using a WebCam and was talking about the impeachment of the South Korean president. Little did he know that he was about to get video bombed.

As he was in the middle of probably one of the most serious interviews of his life, suddenly his children come bursting into the room. His daughter even does a dance for the video camera and it isn’t long before his wife comes in to try to clean up the mess. Of course, he is trying to keep his composure but those of us who are watching can’t help but laugh out loud at the crazy antics taking place.