Air New Zealand Makes the Best Hobbit Safety Video Ever

There are certain things that many of us look forward to every time we fly. Perhaps it is the exhilaration of the takeoff or maybe the fact that we can look out above the clouds and check out the scenery. Very few people, however, will say that they look forward to the safety presentation that takes place before the flight takes off. That may have changed, however, for those who flew with Air New Zealand.

When many people think of New Zealand, they may picture a variety of things but for some individuals, Hobbits are going to be first on their mind. That is why Air New Zealand came up with the most epic safety video ever made, and released it prior to the time that the hobbit trilogy was released. Although it is an instructional video, it is absolutely amazing and it is both entertaining and informative.

Many people simply tune out when the safety instructions begin. Those instructions, however, are very important to understand, if the need should happen to arise. By making this video, Air New Zealand is not only helping people to get their flight started with a smile, they may actually be saving some lives in the process.