Willie Nelson’s Son Sings ‘Always On My Mind’

We often hear the expression that somebody is a chip off the old block but from time to time, it really shines through perfectly. That is often the case when we see the children of celebrities and although they may have been kept out of the spotlight for years, when they do finally surface, we can’t help but notice the similarities.

Willie Nelson has been a part of many of our lives for years and he certainly can sing a song in a way that moves us. It seems as if his son has inherited some of his skills, and it becomes clear when he starts singing this impromptu performance of Always on My Mind. It really is amazing how much the two of them sound like each other.

Some people may look like their father and others may have some personality trait that reminds us of their dad. For Lukas Nelson, however, it is the voice that really puts us in mind of his father and our only thought is, when can we hear more from him?