When you work at a cemetery, you never know what might happen from one moment to the next. One of the jobs that must be done at the cemetery is the digging of the graves. When these two gravediggers were in the middle of performing their duties, they heard something strange coming from a gravestone behind them. Neither of them were prepared for what happened next.
When they started seeing some movement, they were probably no longer concerned after they saw it was a squirrel. In reality, they should have been quite concerned! It seems as if the squirrel was friendly and he comes right over and jumps on the gravedigger. It was a bit odd at first but then it got extremely weird. The squirrel just would not stop coming back after the man, acting a little bit too familiar for their comfort.
Do you ever really know what is going on inside of the mind of an animal? Squirrels can be quite adorable, and they are a lot of fun to watch but when you have one that is acting crazy in the cemetery, perhaps it’s best to run the other direction.
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