Apparently, You Get A Butterfly When You Mix A Sheep And A Goat

Did you ever wonder what would happen if they mated a ewe with a male goat? It may seem like a rather strange combination, but you would be amazed with what happens when it takes place. It actually was an accident, because the owner of the ewe allowed her to escape from her pen and she had a run in with the goat who was in the next pen.

As it turns out, sheep and goats are very similar and they have a lot in common, including the ability to have little ones together. When all was said and done, the outcome was absolutely adorable and they named the baby Butterfly. She is not a sheep and she isn’t a goat, she is a geep, also referred to as a shoat.

The sheep-goat hybrid is rather rare and it wasn’t documented until 2000. This hybrid baby has the characteristics of both of her parents. Her face and feet are the goat but the wool coat is just like the mama sheep. She is currently residing at a petting zoo in Arizona and is sure to be a favorite attraction.