These Twins Solve Their Puzzle In Different Ways Dad Cracks Up Laughing

With most challenges there are normally more that one solution. There is the easy way and the more difficult solution, both get the job done in the end but one is definitely easier than the other.

Twins can be identical in looks and mannerisms but it doesn’t mean they naturally think the same way. Whilst learning how to perform certain tasks each child is likely to tackle things slightly differently. As this video clearly demonstrates one does things by the book, the other takes the quicker route. It would be lovely to know if this will be replicated in later life.

The twins are sitting playing with some shapes, the toys we all had when we were growing up. The idea is to match the shape to the hole and then post it, and in doing so, you are learning your shapes and solving the puzzle. The twin on the right is doing really well, picking the right hole for the correct shape. The twin on the left, however, has come up with a rather novel solution. Rather than waste time trying to figure out the shape and the hole this twin solves the puzzle in their own unique way. Watch the video to see what they came up with.