Atheists Don’t Have No Songs – Song By Steve Martin

There something that is true in almost every religion and that is the fact that people tend to sing when they get together for religious services. As a matter of fact, singing has been part of worship for thousands of years, and today, many churches do it as a primary part of their way of worshiping. There something, however, that many people may never have considered before but it didn’t get past Steve Martin.

When people get together to have a religious service, they often sing but what happens when people get together and they don’t have any religious affiliation? Let’s assume that the people are atheists so they don’t believe in God in the first place. That is what Steve Martin was considering in this clip, and he gets together with his band, The Steep Canyon Rangers, to make a song about how atheists don’t have any songs!

In true Steve Martin style, this song is an instant classic. It is a lot of fun and he certainly does it justice. Not only is it a rather catchy tune, it is also something that has a lot more truth to it than most people realise.