He Forgot His Lunch, So She Dropped It Through His Sunroof

Life can be difficult when you don’t live on the first floor. It doesn’t matter how much you try, it is inevitable that you are going to forget something and it is one of the most frustrating things to have to run up the stairs to get it. It seems as if the man in the car has forgotten his lunch, and rather than head up a few flights of stairs to retrieve it, he has his wife pull off one of the most amazing stunts I’ve seen in a while.

He pulls up in front of the building and his wife leans out of the window, laughs and drops the sandwich. It looks like it’s a few stories down, but she was able to nail it perfectly and it simply drops into the sunroof so that he is able to get on his way.

Is this always going to be the ideal solution? Probably not, unless you happen to be perfect at nailing the sunroof opening every time. In this particular instance, it was the perfect thing to do and we all get to go along for the ride.