A Homeless Man Is Permitted To Work At A Cafe For One Day And He’s Still There 2 Weeks Later

From time to time, we have a homeless person come up to us and ask for some money. Typically, we try to help when we can but for the cafe owner in this video, it was not time for a handout. When a homeless man came into her cafe looking for some money she asked him why he didn’t have a job. After all, nothing is given to her for free.

Marcus, the homeless man, explained that he would love to have a job but couldn’t because of his criminal history. It was very hard to get people to hire him to do any type of work. As a result, he was forced to live a life begging for money or stealing what he needed.

The cafe owner did not turn him away, as did many other people. What she did is not only amazing, it is inspirational. She told him that she would pay him to wash the dishes for the day and he accepted. What is more, he didn’t just do it for the day, he is still doing it some 2 weeks later.