A Couple Saves A Cat Frozen To The Ground When The Weather Turned Deadly

When the weather turns cold outside, many of us instantly think about staying indoors, keeping warm and avoiding the cold weather at all costs. Doing so may be a convenience for us but for many animals, being outdoors in the cold weather is the only option they have. It may be find for many animals who are able to weather the cold but from time to time, we may just need to help.

In the Russian town of Zlatoust, the winter was particularly brutal. A may by the name of Sergey Baranov was outdoors and came across a cat that was in a very bad situation. The temperatures were as low as -35C and the ice was relentless. A cat had become encased in ice and stuck fast to the ground. He had tried to escape the cold by hiding under a car but the weather eventually caught up with him.

Sergey and his wife, Yelena, set out to help this poor cat from experiencing a horrible fate. They got a bucket of warm water and Sergey stayed with the cat to watch over him until they were able to free him.