Sometimes Observing The Real World Rather Than Your Mobile Phone Can Bring Huge Benefits

I found this next story very interesting indeed, as it is an interesting lesson about mobile phone usage. The camera crew set up hidden cameras to watch a bus stop. They then put up huge posters with a website address on then for the bored passengers to visit.

Anyone that actually made the time and effort to visit the websites got an amazing and memorable experience. This might have been a drive in a Lamborghini or a ride in a sleigh drawn by some husky dogs.

The point of the experiment for the company in question was obviously to publicise their mobile devices and chips. But what I found more interesting was not necessarily the people who won the prizes by following the instructions. I was more interested in those who didn’t give it a try, simply because they were too engrossed in their own mobile phone world, a topic we have discussed many times before on this site. If they had spent a little more time looking around at the suggestions in the real world, rather than their most likely mundane posts they could have experienced something magical. Enjoy your phone, everyone but always remember there is a big world outside for you to enjoy.