A Dog Hears He Is Being Adopted And Has The Most Joyful Reaction

When we bring a dog into our home, we quickly learn just what they are bringing to the relationship. Not only are they there for us through the good times and the bad times, they provide us with unconditional love in great measure. There is also something else you will learn after you have a dog in your life, they have an awesome personality.

That will clearly be seen in this video, which shows a shelter dog being adopted. As a senior dog, he is typically calm but that wasn’t the case on this day. You see, he had spent 4 years at the shelter and they thought he was never going to be adopted. On this day, however, he was going to find a forever home and he was so excited, he could hardly contain it.

This dog is named Dreadlock because his coat is so badly matted. He is 10 years old, and it was such a surprise that he was going to be adopted. This is a touching video that is sure to put a smile on your face as you celebrate with the dog.